Mission – Five Sisters Zoo is committed to changing the behaviour and attitude of its audience towards the natural world in order to fight against the global biodiversity crisis.

Five Sisters Zoo is aware that to fulfil its mission, the environmental sustainability of the site and the activities the zoo caries out off-site are of great significance. The following policy outlines what Five Sisters Zoo will do to ensure a sustainable future. Work will be carried out on-site and considerations will be made when organising staff involvement in off-site work and travel.

Ensuring a Sustainable Site

Across Five Sisters Zoo work will be carried out to ensure the following:

  • Renewable energy sources are utilised wherever possible.
  • Fossil fuels and other non-renewables are gradually phased out wherever possible.
  • Reliance upon single use items will be significantly reduced.
  • Five Sisters Zoo will be a hub for local environmental organisations.
  • The procurement of goods and materials used by and/or sold by Five Sisters Zoo will be monitored and where possible companies with sustainability goals matching our own will be used as suppliers.
  • All sustainability work carried out at the zoo will be promoted to our audiences.

Ensuring Sustainability Off-Site


  • Staff travelling to/from external meetings and conferences will always utilise the most sustainable modes of transport available
  • The Five Sisters Zoo team will continue to engage with audience members and where possible evaluate behaviour change.