Guest Talk - Paul McDougall on his career as a wildlife photographer - Five Sisters Zoo

Guest Talk - Paul McDougall on his career as a wildlife photographer

Paul McDougall is an award winning professional wildlife photographer and photographic guide. Paul has lots of experience photographing wildlife worldwide and at home in the UK. Paul is a specialist photographic guide, and has extensive experience guiding in Kenya, with over 400 days spent guiding in Masai Mara.

Paul is a highly engaging presenter and speaker and runs regular workshops and training courses on wildlife photography basics from camera settings to understanding light and capturing unique moments. Paul under his business Touch the Wild has guided and mentored over 500 people in many destinations worldwide enhancing their photographic knowledge and experience.

In 2004 Paul achieved his Bronze Level in Guiding (Kenyan Park Services Guiding Association). He has led group tours and photographic safaris to several destinations but specialising in Kenya for the last 20 years.

Paul is the author of the Best Selling Book and Online Training Course the Ultimate Beginners Guide to Wildlife Photography – from taking a shot to capturing a moment”. The book was number 1 on Amazon for Nature and Wildlife Photography for 7 consecutive months since launch in May 2022.

The talk covers Paul’s journey in to wildlife photography and he will share images from all over the world and share information and stories about how some of the images were captured. There will be some hints and tips of how you can easily improve your wildlife photography and time for questions.

Doors open at 7pm and tickets cost £10. Please follow the link below to get yours now!